All About Matcha

What is Matcha?

A long standing tradition of Japanese Culture, and the focal point of the Japanese Tea Ceremony, Matcha Green Tea is the highest quality green tea powder made with stone mills. Unique to Japan, and made from the nutrient rich young leaves picked from the the tips of shade-grown camellia sinesis plants, Matcha Green Tea is steamed, stemmed and de-vined before being stone-ground into a very fine powder.

Where does  Matcha Green Tea come from?

Matcha is premium green tea powder from Japan used for drinking as tea or as an ingredient in recipes. While other green teas are grown throughout the world, matcha is unique to Japan. It is the heart of the Japanese way of tea and has been celebrated in the traditional Japanese tea ceremony for hundreds of years.

How is Matcha made?

Ceremonial grade matcha is grown under a shade cloth as leaves reach maturity, as direct sunlight promotes bitter tannins in the leaves. The leaves are picked by hand and steamed for 15 seconds immediately after harvesting. The leaves are then immediately dried for many hours. The tea leaves are de-stemmed by and chopped into ‘aracha’. The leaves are then de-stemmed again and de-veined (the veins in the leaves are removed).

 Now, this is called tencha. Tencha is then ground by a stone mill into matcha. Matcha used for chanoyu, the Japanese tea ceremony must be made into powder by a stone mill and use only tea leaves from the first harvest of the season.

Organic or Not?

The question is, is organic matcha better than non-organic matcha? While "organic" does have real meaning and environmental value, it is not focused primarily on the quality of the tea and does not come with guarantees.

 In today’s huge global marketplace, there are lots of cheap organic Matcha products from China and expensive ones from Japan. It is well known in the matcha community that the color, flavor and price are much better for non-organic matchas. And Although Nippon Cha does produce and sell organic matcha, we have found that our customers have long favored the taste, color and overall experience of our traditional, non-organic matchas. It should be noted that only organic fertilizers are used in the cultivation of all of Nippon Cha’s products. Furthermore, the residual pesticide regulation is very strict in Japan, so food products made in Japan are considered very safe.  

What is the difference between Green Tea and Matcha?

Matcha, sencha, gyokuro and kabusecha are all made of green tea leaves. The difference is in the process. Matcha is made by grounding up green tea leaves. Sencha are grown in the full sun, gyokuro are shaded with a reed screen for several weeks and kabusecha are covered with a cloth placed directly on top of the plants. 


How much Matcha should you drink a day?

Matcha has about 70mg of caffeine in one cup. The amount of caffeine that should be consumed in one day by the average adult is 400mg. Therefore about 5.5 cups of matcha per day is safe to drink, based on 1g servings, around ½ a teaspoon, which is enough matcha to keep you energized throughout your day. 



 Yes, matcha is both vegan and gluten free.

Health Benefits

What makes Matcha so healthy?

Matcha is loaded with antioxidants as well as other needed nutrients like Vitamins A, C and E, dietary fiber, chlorophyll, and polyphenols (naturally occurring micronutrients found in plants) all of which contribute to its many health benefits.

This is because when drinking matcha green tea, you are consuming the ground up tea leaves, rather than the liquid from the brewed loose or bagged tea. Drinking matcha helps ensure you receive all the antioxidants and nutrients your body needs.One serving of matcha powder contains 1,384 ORAC units of antioxidants – more than almost any other food on the planet. Antioxidants are special nutrients that protect your body’s cells against harmful damage from free radicals. These toxins make you susceptible to inflammation, many types of disease and chronic conditions.Matcha is also rich in a powerful type of antioxidants known as catechins, which have powerful cancer-fighting properties. The most active and abundant catechin is EGCG. Among it’s many benefits, Catechins like ECEG can prevent heart disease, increase your metabolism, burn fat and has anti-aging antioxidants that protect skin and reduce inflammation.Matcha also contains a healthy dose of the amino acid L-Theanine, known to improve learning and memory, enhances your resilience to stress, improves the sleep quality of people with ADHD and can even help smokers stop smoking. When caffeine and L-Theanine are consumed together, they produce a sustainable source of energy that lasts 4-6 hours, along with a calm-yet-alert state of mind, without the jitters or crash of coffee. This is why matcha was the favored beverage of the samurai and Zen Buddhist monks alike.

What are some health benefits of Green Tea?

  • Reduce the risk of cancer: A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that women who regularly drank green tea had a lower risk of colon, stomach and throat cancer. Other studies have shown an associated decrease in prostate cancer and found a link suggesting green tea may slow down the growth of tumors in breast cancer patients. 
  • Weight loss: Approximately 2 cups of green tea will speed up your metabolism by nearly 5% in a 24 hour period. This isn’t a miracle diet solution, but definitely a plus.Immunity: Green tea may help you fight off illness by altering the makeup of intestinal bacteria. Findings suggest that green tea can also reduce allergic responses and asthma. 
  • Diabetes: Not only does green tea help improve insulin sensitivity in type 2 diabetics, but one study found that drinking more than six cups of green tea per day slashed the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 33%.
  •  Oral health: Green tea strengthens your teeth, thus decreasing your risk of cavities. Its antibacterial properties thwart the effects of the bacteria most responsible for gum disease. And it may even help ward off bad breath!Liver health: Green tea prevented liver damage in rats who were kept drunk on alcohol for 4 straight weeks. It also destroys free radicals in people with fatty liver disease. 
  • Skin health: German researchers found that drinking six cups of green tea per day can help your skin be more resistant to sunburn. Some studies even suggest that components of green tea can help prevent skin cancer when applied directly to the skin. 
  • Alzheimer’s prevention: Although there is no known cure for Alzheimer’s disease, numerous studies suggest that green tea may effectively help to prevent the disease. A compound in green tea reduces the formation of plaque-like deposits in the brain, which are often indicative of Alzheimer’s disease. 
  • Relax: Green tea increases the production of alpha brain waves to calm the body.

What are some health benefits of Black Tea?

  • 1. Boosts Heart Health: The properties of black have been found to improve heart health. Scientists have confirmed that drinking more than or equal to 3 cups of black tea per day can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and can help repair coronary artery dysfunctions in many heart patients. Increasing evidence hints that the antioxidants in black tea may reduce atherosclerosis (clogged arteries), especially in women. It may also help lower the risk of heart attack and cardiovascular disease. 
  • 2. Lowers Ovarian Cancer Risk: Like the catechins in green tea, the theaflavins in black tea can inhibit the proliferation of ovarian cancer cells. In a study conducted by researchers at Roswell Park Cancer Institute, USA, a 30% decline in ovarian cancer risk was observed in patients who drank more than two cups of black tea per day.
  •  3. Lower Risk Of Diabetes: Scientists have found that drinking tea can help lower the risk of Type 2 diabetes as the catechins and theaflavins in black tea help make the body more insulin sensitive and prevents beta cell dysfunction. 
  • 4. Boosts Immunity: Black tea is rich in antioxidants that help scavenge the free oxygen radicals. Black tea helps flush out the oxygen radicals thereby helping to restore normal cell and body functions and boosts immunity. 
  • 5. Improves Bone Health: As you age, the strength of your bones starts to decline. However, scientists have observed that people who drink black tea can significantly restore bone density as black tea is a substitute for calcium. Therefore, if you are 30 or older, make black tea a part of your diet to prevent reduced bone density, osteoporosis, and risk of fractures in the near future (14),(15). 
  • 6. Reduces Parkinson’s Risk: Research suggests that the tea polyphenols have a neuroprotective effect on the brain. In a research conducted at the National University of Singapore, scientists found that the caffeine in black tea is inversely associated with Parkinson’s disease (16),(17). 
  • 7. Improves Digestion / Healthy Digestive Tract: A healthy gut can shield you from various diseases and disorders. Black tea is rich in abundant tannins and other chemicals that have a positive and relaxing effect on the digestive system of human body. This anti-inflammatory quality of black tea is also helpful for curing digestive disorders. Black tea can also help reduce stomach ulcers and colorectal, esophageal/stomach cancers (18),(19). 
  • 8. Lowers cholesterol: Unhealthy lifestyle and food habits can increase the bad cholesterol levels in the blood. High LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) can lead to plaque buildup in the arterial walls thereby limiting the blood flow leading to heart attack, stroke, ischemic attack, etc. In one study, black tea was shown to reduce 11.1% LDL cholesterol. Japanese researchers found that Chinese black tea has anti-hyper-cholesterolemic effect in humans who were obese and prone to heart disease (20),(21). 
  • 9. Aids Weight Loss: Obesity is the root cause of various diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, PCODs, high cholesterol etc. Like green tea, black tea too can help you lose weight if consumed along with a few lifestyle changes. Scientists from David Geffen School of Medicine, California, USA found that black tea helped reduce visceral fat by reducing inflammation inducing genes. Since a prolonged period of inflammation in the body can induce obesity, by drinking black tea you can prevent inflammation-induced obesity. Moreover, black tea lowers the triglyceride levels (22),(23). 
  • 10. Relieves Asthma: Asthma is caused due to inflammation and swelling of the airway or bronchial tubes, which makes inhaling and exhaling difficult. Few studies have also proved that caffeine present in teas can help lung function (25). Moreover, the flavonoids present in tea is also found to have a beneficial effect on people who have asthma (26). 
  • 11. Eliminates Free Radicals: Free oxygen radicals are produced due to metabolism or external influence such as pollution, smoking, etc., which leads to an overload of these free radicals. These free oxygen radicals are toxic for the body. And the main function of antioxidants is to scavenge these harmful radicals. Black tea is loaded with antioxidants and helps flush out these toxic molecules (27). Black tea with lemon is a good choice for this action. 
  • 12. Kills Bacteria: Scientists have confirmed that the antioxidants and other phytonutrients found in black tea possess antibacterial properties. In fact, a study published that teas can even act against anthrax (28),(29). 
  • 13. Relieves Stress: According to a study conducted by University College London, tea can reduce stress hormones in the body and relaxes the nerves (30). Have a cup of black tea instead of smoking tobacco or reaching out for a sweet (for sugar rush) to relieve stress.
  •  14. Oral Health: Consuming black tea can also help protect against dental plaque, cavities, and tooth decay and freshen your breath (32). Black tea possesses antibacterial and antioxidant properties that prevent staphylococcus infections (33). Plus, the fluoride present in black tea inhibits dental caries (34). Moreover, Indian scientists have also reported that black tea can help prevent oral leukoplakia in patients with oral carcinoma (35).
  •  15. Improves Mental Alertness: Researchers from The Netherlands found that participants of a study who drank black tea had the strongest attention span and better auditory and visual attention (36). L-theanine present in teas is said to modulate brain functions and human attention process (37). 
  • 16. Treats Diarrhea: Yes, drinking black tea can help treat diarrhea. Diets that include black tea can decrease diarrheal prevalence by 20% (38). So, the next time you have an upset stomach, you may consider consuming a cup of black tea for relief and to soothe your digestive system.
  •  17. Reduces Blood Pressure: Consuming black tea can help reduce blood pressure. Scientists from The Netherlands, Germany, UK, and Italy conducted an experiment that confirmed that participants who consumed black tea had lower blood pressure as compared to the control group (39).
  •  18. Reduces Cholesterol: According to a study conducted by the American Heart Association in New Orleans, people who consume black tea can reduce their bad cholesterol levels, which are responsible for heart strokes and fatal attacks. It has also been found that people who drink 3 to 4 cups of black tea every day are at a lower risk for heart problems than those who consume minimal amounts or no tea at all. 
  • 19. Happiness Factor: Black tea can help reduce LDL cholesterol, blood pressure, reduce the risk of cancer, relieve stress, etc. This means that drinking black tea can improve your happiness quotient by a hundredfold. So, drink black tea for an overall improvement of your health and mood. 
  • 20. Prevents Skin Infections: Tea catechins and flavonoids can help prevent skin infections. Therefore, if you frequently suffer from skin infections, apart from taking medicines, you may also drink black tea to expedite the healing process (40).
  •  21. Reduces Eye Puffiness: Under eye puffiness is a serious concern for women and men. It can make you look tired and can make you prone to premature wrinkling. Try using black tea bags or just dip cotton in cold black tea and keep it under your eye for 20 minutes every day. You can see a visible reduction in under eye puffiness in just a few weeks. 
  • 22. Prevents Premature Aging: The antioxidants and polyphenols present in tea can protect your skin from premature aging and wrinkle formation. In a study conducted on hairless lab mouse, scientists found that black tea reduced the expression of the gene that creates a collagen degrading enzyme. Moreover, black tea was a more effective anti-wrinkle agent as compared to other teas (41).

Health Benefits of Tochucha

  • Reducing Blood Pressure
  •  Lowering Blood Glucose Levels 
  • Reducing the Amount of Toxins Absorbed into the Body
  •  Promoting Fat Reduction of the Internal Organs
  •  Cleansing of the Kidneys and LiverReduction of Fatigue
  •  Fat Reduction of the Internal Organs
  •  Weight Loss 
  • Overall Cleansing 
  • Effect on the BodyEffects on the Body 
  •  Antioxidant 
  • Anti-Inflammatory 
  • Anti-Allergic
  •  Anti-Microbial
  •  Anti-Cancer 
  • Anti-Aging 
  • Cardio-Protective
  •  Neuro-Protective 
  • Lower Risk of Obesity While Detoxing Your Body 
  • Eucommia tea (our Setochi Tochucha Tea) is said to help cut back cholesterol and triglyceride levels in your blood stream. Studies have shown that this can help prevent the rise in body weight and fat that causes obesity. In addition to working as a great method in weight maintenance, this tea helps flush out bodily waste products and harmful toxins having a detoxification effect on your body. Drinking Setochi Tochucha tea daily is an easy way to lower your cholesterol and naturally detox your body.
  • Used to Treat*Eucommia tea has been widely used solely or in combination with other compounds to treat cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, sexual dysfunction, cancer, metabolic syndrome, and neurological diseases.

Studied Research Sources:

Studies Cited Sasaki, Y.F., Chiba A., Muram M., et al (1996) Mutat Res. 371 (3-4):203-214Lee, M.K., Kim, M.J., et al Diabetes Residential Clinical Practice (2005) 67(1):22-28Kwan, C.Y., Chen C.X., Deyam T., and Nishibe F., (2003) Vascular Pharmocol 40 (5) 229-235Tarique Hussain, Bi’e Tan, Gang Liu, et al., “Health-Promoting Properties of Eucommia ulmoides: A Review,” Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, vol. 2016, Article ID 5202908, 9 pages, 2016. doi:10.1155/2016/5202908


*Statements made, or products sold through this web site, have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.